Physical fitness is one of the most important things that maintain health, and it is the level of physical condition upon which the athlete relies in the fitness components of his sport and also as the individual’s ability to carry out his daily activities with the best performance of endurance and strength. The concept of fitness does not include the ability to run only, but also Lots of other things
How do I get fit?
To get a good fit, you have to get enough sleep, and you have to do appropriate exercises in balance with your day and time, and you have to eat good fats and vitamins, and you have to meditate, and it is not recommended to eat sugar, so you must refuse sugar
What is the difference between physical and health?
The difference is that physical fitness is measurable and the opposite is true, as your health cannot be measured, but while fitness you can know your endurance and ability to exercise, you can train to be fit, but you cannot train to be healthy. This is what makes fitness the opposite of health.